// .-----.-----.-. .-.-----.--| |-----.-----.-----.-----. // |__ --| - | |_| | | _ | .__| - _| - | | // |_____|_____|_____|__|__|_____|__| |_____|_| |_|_|||_| // . ..: s o u n d r e a m o r g a n i z a t i o n :.. . // . ..Coding Division.. . // // PHP Script..: Download Counter // Made By.....: |The-Crow| - thecrow@impulsive.org // Site........: http://soundream.planet-d.net */ //--------------------------------------------------------// // PLEASE DEFINE THE VARIABLES // //--------------------------------------------------------// $extension = ".zip"; //leave this blank if you have various extensions. $counterdir = "../public/"; //change this if you want other directory for the counter files. $textfont = "Verdana,Arial"; //text font for the error msg //--------------------------------------------------------// // DO NOT EDIT ANYTHING FROM HERE // //--------------------------------------------------------// if (file_exists("$get$extension")) { header("location: $get$extension"); // download the file [download.php?get=name_of_file] $file = fopen("$counterdir/$get$extension.txt","r+"); // download counter $count = fread($file, filesize("$counterdir/$get$extension.txt")); fclose($file); $count += 1; $file = fopen("$counterdir/$get$extension.txt","w+"); fputs($file, $count); fclose($file); } else echo "

Il file [$get$extension] è momentaneamente offline o copmunque non è disponibile per il download.
"; echo "Per favore contattate il webmaster per segnalargli l'errore."; ?>
[Torna a Dimensione Delta -> Claremont]